The National Network of Special Schools is a source of support, information and continuing professional development for its members. 

Welcome to the National Network of Special Schools for School Business Professionals (NNoSS), where innovation meets inclusivity. As a pioneering hub for specialised education, NNoSS is committed to creating effective environments that empowers students. 

NNoSS is a collaborative network of School Business Professionals. Through collaborative initiatives our community strives to ensure their settings are well resourced for each unique learner. Together they are a loud and powerful voice, challenging decisions and influencing decision makers for the greater good of the entire specialist sector.


Powered by Schools North East, NNoSS supports SBPs in Special Schools, Alternative Provision and Hospital Schools throughout England.

Membership is open to:


Free Schools

Foundation Schools

Maintained Schools 

Independent Schools 

The History of NNoSS

Vision and Mission of the Network

Launched in 2020, the network has proved an essential resource for SBPs. By the end of the first year we had over 200 members from across England, from a range of AP, special and hospital schools and a mix of maintained, academies, free, foundation and independent schools.  

NNoSS facilitates good and best practice leading, driving and delivering change for the benefit of the sector. It is linked with wider regional and national networks and is a source of support, information, advice, guidance and continuing professional development for its members.

NNoSS aims to engage with decision, policy makers and think tanks and works to create efficiencies across the sector. It is also a platform on which to celebrate everything that is wonderful about these diverse schools, and is supported by Advocates and Ambassadors from across the country.

 A collaborative network to connect and upskill colleagues and influence decision makers.

Working in a culture of innovation to meet challenges, develop systems and create a highly effective and sustainable infrastructure to support outcomes in England’s special, hospital and alternative provision settings.

We are a driver of change.


Find out more

We are CHILD Focused

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Networking throughout the year
Network meetings
Information updates
Dedicated email group
Online community 


Online events and CPD
Annual conference
Insight groups
Shared knowledge


Make the voice of SBPs heard
Stakeholder briefings
Highlight challenges
Collaborate as a network
Influence change
Work toward a common goal







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Being part of NNoSS has been hugely supportive both professionally and personally. Having those conversations within the wider sector and the realisation that we are not alone in our struggles has been very comforting.

NNoSS Member

- Stockport

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